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International Year One (UTP II) Human and Social Sciences


The Faculty of Human and Social Sciences (FHSS) offers many opportunities to explore complex issues relevant to today’s society. Students will learn to identify and explore social issues and build real-world connections between what they learn in class and the downtown community just outside the classroom door. You are encouraged to develop your critical thinking skills and question assumptions, while the theoretical knowledge and practical experience you’ll gain through our programs will prepare you for a variety of careers. Faculty of Human and Social Science students are passionate about making a positive contribution both locally and globally and graduate with the skills to change the world.



  • 3 terms


  • January
  • May
  • September


  • Wilfrid Laurier University, Brantford campus

Your direct pathway into Wilfrid Laurier University

High School
Wilfrid Laurier International College
2nd Year at Wilfrid Laurier University

Program transfer options include:

  • Criminology (Honours BA)
  • Game Design and Development (Honours BA)
  • Health Studies (Honours BA)
  • Health Management (Honours BA)
  • Psychology (Honours BA)

Faculty of Human and Social Sciences Majors

Health Studies (Honours BA)

Health Studies is an interdisciplinary approach to the study of health and health care. Students learn that health is determined by far more than the availability of health care and that health care itself involves more than simply treating illness.

Health Studies is a dynamic field, continually evolving to integrate scientific advancements and new knowledge about the role of social and environmental influences on health and well-being, the costs of health care, and the impact of illness on productivity and quality of life.

Also offers: Health Studies in Combination with another program

Located in: Brantford

Health Management (Honours BA)

The Laurier Health Administration program offers a blend of health studies, leadership, business and contemporary studies courses, designed to give students a broad understanding of the diverse factors affecting the development and delivery of health care, both domestically and internationally. With a complex set of relationships between personnel, organizations and government, health professionals require a diverse set of skills and a broad knowledge base in order to effectively work within the contemporary health-care system.

Located in: Brantford

Criminology (Honours BA)

Criminology is the scientific study of crime, criminals, victims and the law from a social perspective. Studies in Criminology at Laurier will introduce you to theories of crime and contemporary justice issues using an interdisciplinary approach relevant to a changing world. Criminologists are interested in:

  • Theories explaining why people commit crime
  • Social impact and reaction to crime and deviance
  • Victimization
  • Criminal justice system and law enforcement responses
  • Crime prevention

Also offers: Criminology in combination with another program

Located in: Brantford

Psychology (Honours BA)

Psychology is the scientific study of how we think, feel, and act. It seeks to answer questions about how individuals and groups interact with each other and the world around them. In your psychology courses you may study diverse issues such as how children develop empathy, how memories are formed and retained, why some people suffer from addiction, and how our psychological and physical states are connected.

The Psychology program at Laurier is structured to ensure exposure to the breadth of content that exists within the discipline while still providing you with enough flexibility to pursue your own particular interests.

Also offers: Psychology in combination with another program

Located in: Brantford

Game Design and Development (Honours BA)

Fun and games in the classroom? This is Game Design and Development (GDD) at Laurier.

Learn to communicate through playful and immersive experiences such as video games, board games and escape rooms. Create gameplay that pushes the medium forward, exploring, expanding and innovating how games engage players and represent diverse viewpoints as you create cozy, meaningful and transformative games.

Develop in-demand job skills including creativity, writing and visual design, critical thinking, problem solving and iterative design processes. Combine technical and creative writing with the fundamentals of programming and art to create functional prototypes while preparing to work with a multifaceted development team in the game industry.

Also offers: Honours BA Game Design and Development in Combination with Computer Science
Honours BA Game Design and Development in Combination with another Honours BA Program

Located in: Brantford

Human and Social Sciences Program Structure

During the International Year One (UTP Stage II): Human and Social Sciences program you will study courses that provide a pathway to a wide range of disciplines including Community Health, Health Administration, Criminology, and Psychology. Below is a sample of the courses that you might take during the program.

  • Introduction to Indigenous Studies
  • Design Thinking 1: Foundations
  • Introduction to Microeconomics
  • Introduction to Macroeconomics
  • Introduction to Psychology I
  • Understanding the Business Environment
  • Communication Skills for Leadership

Human and Social Sciences Progression Requirements

You will transfer into the Honours Bachelor of Arts program in the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences at Wilfrid Laurier University with 5.0 credits (10 courses) toward your degree upon successful completion of the International Year One (UTP Stage II): Faculty of Human and Social Sciences (Honours BA) program if you meet the following:
Criminology (Honours BA)
  • A minimum overall GPA of 4.00 (C-) overall
  • Completion of a minimum of 10 courses (5.0 credits) in the WLIC International Year One program, including EN190 or writing course equivalent
Game Design and Development (Honours BA)
  • A minimum overall GPA of 4.00 (C-) overall
  • Completion of a minimum of 10 courses (5.0 credits) in the WLIC International Year One program, including EN190 or writing course equivalent
Health Management (Honours BA)
  • A minimum overall GPA of 4.00 (C-) overall
  • Completion of a minimum of 10 courses (5.0 credits) in the WLIC International Year One program, including EN190 or writing course equivalent
Health Studies (Honours BA)
  • A minimum overall GPA of 4.00 (C-) overall
  • Completion of a minimum of 10 courses (5.0 credits) in the WLIC International Year One program, including EN190 or writing course equivalent
Psychology (Honours BA)
  • A minimum GPA of 5.00 (C) in PS101 and PS102 and a minimum overall GPA of 4.00 (C-) or competitive entry.
  • Completion of a minimum of 10 courses (5.0 credits) in the WLIC International Year One program, including PS101, PS102, EN190 or one writing course equivalent; at least 1.0 elective credits from a discipline outside those offered by the Faculty of Science (eg., EC, BU, MB, UX)
Psychology:  Forensic Specialization (Honours BA)
  • A minimum GPA of 5.00 (C) in PS101 and PS102 and a minimum overall GPA of 4.00 (C-) or competitive entry.
  • Completion of a minimum of 10 courses (5.0 credits) in the WLIC International Year One program, including PS101, PS102, EN190 or one writing course equivalent.
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