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Policies and Procedures

Conditions of Enrolment

Your contract with Wilfrid Laurier International College (WLIC)

Upon accepting the enrolment offer from WLIC, the student has initiated a contract with WLIC and is bound by the following declaration:

“I hereby accept and promise to observe the statutes, rules and regulations and ordinances (including, if any, bylaws, codes and policies) of WLIC, and of the program in which I am registered, and to any amendments thereto which may be made while I am a student of WLIC.”

The student is expected to regularly attend all their classes (including lectures, tutorials, seminars etc.) and to carry out all assigned evaluations (assignments, projects, examinations etc.). WLIC is not responsible for the consequences that flow from the student neglecting their academic work and assignments. Students who are unavoidably absent because of illness or disability should report to their instructors and WLIC as soon as possible. Any request for an academic concession must be clearly expressed.

WLIC may, by written notice, vary the conditions of enrolment as may be necessary to comply with any law, regulation or amendment thereof, of Canada or the Province of Ontario. Any such variance will bind WLIC and the student upon reasonable notice being given by WLIC to the WLIC student population at large – specific notice to the student is not required.

WLIC reserves the right to withdraw a program(s) or course(s) from offer, at its discretion, at any time and without prior notice. Upon being notified of the withdrawal of a program in which a student is enrolled, the student will be given the option of completing the program on a full-time enrolment basis, being transferred to another program within WLIC for which the student is eligible or obtaining a refund in accordance with the Fee Refund Policy available at (note: a cancellation fee may be applied). Upon being notified of the withdrawal of a course in which the student is enrolled, the student will be given the option of transferring into another course in the student’s program or obtaining a refund of tuition, fees and charges paid in respect of that course in accordance with the Fee Refund Policy (note: a cancellation fee may be applied).

The contract between the student and WLIC is governed by the laws of Canada and the Province of Ontario.

Tuition, fees and charges

Upon accepting the enrolment offer from WLIC, the student has initiated a contract with WLIC and is bound by the following declaration:

All tuition, fees and charges for each academic term are due and payable on the term start date, which is listed on the WLIC website, unless otherwise indicated. Students will not be permitted to commence or continue their program at the beginning of any term until all outstanding tuition, fees, charges, and accounts, including any outstanding amounts from prior terms, are paid.

Where a student enrols in more courses than are required to complete their program, the student will pay the tuition, fees and charges for their program, plus the current per-course fee for each additional course undertaken.

Where a student enrols in fewer courses than are considered a full course load (defined as four courses per term), the tuition, fees and charges for the program payable in that term will be reduced accordingly, it being understood that the total tuition, fees and charges for the program are not reduced, but will be paid over the time it takes for the student to complete the program.

If a student wishes or is required to repeat a course, the student shall pay the tuition, fees and charges applicable for that course, prior to commencing the course, in addition to any other tuition, fees and charges applicable to the student’s program.

Any overpayment of tuition, fees or charges will remain credited towards a student’s account and applied against tuition, fees and charges in the following academic term(s).

Subject to rules set out in the Fee Refund Policy, refunds are only given once the policy is applied and if there is a credit in the tuition account.

Students are limited to 1 PAL re-issuance. PAL re-issuance will be subject to a non-refundable document processing fee of $500.

Study permits

International students may be required by Canadian law to obtain a study permit in order to study in Canada. It is each student’s responsibility to obtain and maintain all required authorizations to study in Canada. For specific information on study permits, go to Citizenship and Immigration Canada.

Study permits are governed by Citizenship and Immigration Canada’s rules. Usually, study permits are issued for the duration of the program. Students must apply to Citizenship and Immigration Canada for a new study permit before their current study permit expires. WLIC staff can assist students wishing to extend their study permit, but it is the student’s responsibility to apply to Citizenship and Immigration Canada and to comply with its rules.

WLIC will administer the student’s enrolment in a private health insurance fund by registering the student for coverage on a semesterly basis, collecting the applicable fees from the student (see the Tuition Fees section of the WLIC website) and remitting the fees to the insurer. Upon transfer to Wilfrid Laurier University, students will be enrolled in the University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP). For more information, please visit the Wilfrid Laurier website.

Academic and English language requirements

Students must meet the minimum Academic and English language requirements for entry to their chosen program (see the entrance requirements at for the current requirements). Students must provide original or certified transcripts and the results of their English language assessments to WLIC, together with their application for enrolment. If the results reveal insufficient academic and/or English language skills, as determined in reference to the entrance requirements section of the WLIC website, WLIC will, as its sole option, do one of the following:

  1. Admit the student into their chosen program, but require that the student enrol and achieve a certain grade in one or more academic or English language courses in the first academic term of their program. The student shall pay tuition, fees and charges for each additional course(s). If the student fails to achieve the required grade in the additional course(s), WLIC may, in its sole discretion, refuse the student access to the remaining courses in the program until such time as the student can demonstrate that they meet the minimum requirements for their chosen program.
  2. Deny the student admission to their chosen program, and give the student the option to enrol in an intensive English language program or other programs at WLIC. The student may wish to apply to another institution in order to pursue additional studies. In either case, upon completing these program(s) and demonstrating to WLIC that the student now meets the minimum requirements for entry to their chosen program, the student may again apply for admission to their chosen program.

Deferral prior to Commencing Studies

Deferral requests must be made in writing.

Once a student is accepted into their chosen program, the student may defer their program start date by a maximum of two terms. Each deferral is defined as one semester. Student deferrals that exceed this limitation are subject to re-apply. Re-application fee is $125.

If the student advises WLIC that they wish to defer their program start date a third time, the student’s acceptance to WLIC will be terminated and the student will need to re-apply to WLIC when they are ready to commence studies at WLIC. For greater certainty, the eligibility requirements and tuition, fee and charge rates in effect at the time of the re-application will apply to the student.

If a student defers their program start date, WLIC will hold the tuition, fees and charges paid until the student commences their program, without interest or penalty.

If the student withdraws without commencing their program or has their enrolment terminated in the manner described in paragraph 3 of this section, the Fee Refund Policy will apply.

Deferral after Commencing Studies

Students in the first academic term of their program may not defer their program after the commencement of the term.

Once a continuing student has completed at least one term at WLIC, they may defer their program if they make a deferral request within the first four weeks of the term. In this case, WLIC will hold the tuition, fees and charges paid by the student, without interest or penalty, and apply all such amounts to the next term.

If the student subsequently withdraws from WLIC, the Fee Refund Policy will apply retroactive to the original semester of entry.

If the student applies to defer their program after the fourth week of the term, the deferral request will be granted but all tuition, fees and charges for that term will be forfeited to WLIC, except if the deferral request arises due to illness or compassionate reasons.

For details of the academic consequences of withdrawing from a program after commencing studies, please see the Grading and Academic Standing Policy, available on Student Portal for registered students or email

Cancellation and Withdrawal

The student may, at any time, cancel their enrolment at WLIC. In all cases, the Fee Refund Policy will apply.

The student may, at any time, withdraw from a program. In all cases, the Fee Refund Policy will apply.

In all cases, if the student intends to cancel their enrolment or withdraw from a program, the student must notify WLIC in writing.

For details of the academic consequences of withdrawing from a program after commencing studies, please see the Grading and Academic Standing Policy, available on the Student Portal for registered students or email

Wilfrid Laurier International College

Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities

Wilfrid Laurier International College (WLIC) is committed to transforming lives through education by creating a safe and inclusive environment that protects and upholds the rights, responsibilities, and holistic well-being of its community. Students can expect to be a part of a diverse, collaborative, international environment. WLIC’s culture is based on innovation, cooperation, comprehensive student support, and respect.

The policies and procedures at WLIC ensure that all members of the community benefit from a learning environment that is safe as well as free from discrimination and harassment.  The College will take reasonable steps to ensure that students are aware of their rights and responsibilities, as follows:

As a student at Wilfrid Laurier International College, you have the right to:

  • enjoy all rights and freedoms recognized by law including, but not limited to, the Ontario Human Rights Code, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and the Freedom of Information Protection of Privacy Act;
  • pursue your education in an environment that is safe, secure, and conducive to learning. Students have a right to be treated fairly and not to be subjected to harassment, sexual harassment, discrimination indignity, injury, bullying, verbal abuse, or any act of physical violence;
  • The right to engage and participate in dialogue, examine diverse views and ideas. Student have the right to assemble, without disruption, while maintaining an environment characterized by equality and mutual respect, provided they do not interfere with the rights of others, with the effective operation of the College or violate other College policies and procedures;
  • an environment which ensures that administrative decisions are made in observance of due process and procedural fairness, and in regard for the interests of students. This includes, but is not limited to, timely notification of all academic and administrative decisions that affect their studies or College life;
  • an environment where adequate measures are taken to protect the personal property and security of students on the College grounds;
  • the right to seek clarification on all decisions under College policies without fear of reprisal, including but not limited to, appeals of final grade and/or academic standing;
  • reasonable and legitimate access to appropriate services, facilities to support students’ holistic well-being as well as credentials, upon payment of any required fees;
  • have academic work judged solely on its merits and the College will not profit from goods produced or services provided towards program completion;
  • confidentiality of your student information and records, subject to limits in accordance with the law and access to transcripts and institutional records for up to 25 years;
  • be educated about this Statement, and the College has a responsibility to provide education to students about the contents of this Statement;
  • receive information at the commencement of each course, including:
    • the instructor’s name;
    • a course description;
    • a list of course assignments, tests and approximate deadlines;
    • a marking or evaluation scheme;
    • a statement of the teaching mode(s);
    • a provision that planned alteration in the list of course assignments, tests, approximate deadlines, and in the marking or evaluation schemes shall be presented in class prior to being implemented

As a student at Wilfrid Laurier International College, you have the responsibility to:

  • act consistently with the values of the College and community and follow federal, provincial and municipal laws as well as College policy;
  • review and sign the WLIC International Student Contract (the Letter of Offer and Acceptance of Offer form);
  • act in the interest of honesty, integrity, and equality by treating all members of the community, including faculty, staff and fellow students, with respect;
  • become familiar with course outlines, content, evaluation methods, timelines, fee collection and refund policy, and all institutional academic deadlines;
  • consider and respect the perspectives and ideas of others, even when the student does not agree with their perspectives or ideas, provided that the speech or expression does not infringe upon personal rights and freedoms;
  • maintain a safe, respectful, and inclusive community by refraining from behaviour, which you know, or ought reasonably to know:
    • obstructs teaching, learning, evaluation, administration, co-curricular activities or other College endeavors.
    • threatens or endangers the health, safety, well-being, or dignity of yourself or another person.
    • is unwelcome or persistent (e.g. personal harassment) which would cause another person to feel humiliated, demeaned, or intimidated
  • familiarize yourself with and abide by all WLIC policies, procedures, rules, or regulations as well as ensuring that your guests are aware of and abide by all conduct expectations set out by the College, including but not limited to the fee collection and refund policy;
  • to take necessary steps to resolve academic and personal issues or challenges by communicating with the appropriate WLIC staff in a timely manner, based on the process identified in the Academic Grievance Policy or the Student Code of Non-Academic Conduct;
  • to evacuate the buildings during fire alarms or other emergencies as instructed by WLIC staff or Laurier security;
  • report any wrongdoing or unlawful activities to the College in an honest and truthful manner, not making false, misleading, or inflammatory statements or allegations under institutional policies;
  • abide by posted hours and limits on entry and treat all University facilities and equipment with respect including, but not limited to, fire protection equipment, or security and safety systems. library materials, computing facilities, and emergency telephone systems;
  • obtain, maintain, and responsibly use a Wilfrid Laurier International College e-mail account. Content that is brought to WLIC’s attention that describes or documents behaviour that reasonably suggests breach of WLIC policy is subject to further investigation, including taking disciplinary action;
  • produce your WLIC identification card, photographic identification, or proof of enrolment, upon all reasonable direction by WLIC staff or Wilfrid Laurier University security;
  • respect the privacy and confidentiality of personal information of others and treat disciplinary outcomes applied through the Student Code of Non-Academic Conduct.
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